Moving despite the Corona crisis

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Moving despite the Corona crisis – is moving now prohibited?

Moving during the Corona crisis. There are strict rules regarding contact between people. Does the planned move now have to be canceled? Answers to the most important questions about Corona and moving.

Corona crisis – is the move now prohibited?

No, there is no ban on moving. However, the planned move must take place within Germany. Moving abroad is currently not permitted.
The borders remain closed for up to 30 days, depending on the country.

Important: The moving person must not be in quarantine during the move. This was determined by the Robert Koch Institute’s quarantine measure. Anyone who is in quarantine must not leave the apartment. Moving is therefore impossible!

An exception is, however, if the moving person can present an express permit from the health authority.

CORONA CRISIS: Correct behavior when moving

How do I behave during my move? In order to provide the best possible protection for yourselves and the moving staff, we ask all moving customers to comply with the following protective instructions as a matter of urgency:

What moving customers should consider when moving:

Mutual respect and prevention is the best protection in the current situation. Our employees are therefore instructed in compliance with the hygiene regulations recommended by the RKI (Robert Koch Institute). All known and recommended behaviors for protection against the corona virus also be valid during a move:

● Inform UMZUGSGENIE before moving if there is a specific hazard or suspicion in your household. In particular, you report confirmed Corona cases from relatives.

Ensure that there are no other people in your apartment on the day of the move. If possible, accommodate your children elsewhere for the duration of the move. It is currently forbidden by the authorities and therefore urgently to avoid using friends or third parties as moving helpers during the move.

● For your own protection, wear gloves on the day of the move.

● Before moving, clean all surfaces of moving goods to protect the moving staff.

No shaking hands to greet or say goodbye to the moving staff.

● Always keep a sufficient distance on the day of the move.

● Keep the apartment well ventilated regularly.

● Comply with all other known hygiene measures.

● Make your sanitary facilities and soap available to the relocation staff right from the start, so that the relocation staff can wash their hands regularly. Please lay out fresh towels or paper towels.

● Also wash your hands regularly and absolutely use soap.

● Use your personal writing materials (pens or fountain pens) to be able to sign the working papers.

Don´t provide the moving staff with any open meals or drinks. (Individual beverage bottles are allowed).

Our service: For your protection, the moving team can also clean the surfaces of the furniture after the move. Before you move, please contact your UMZUGSGENIE customer advisor.

We look forward to your move! Thank you for your understanding and stay healthy!


☎ 030 / 92 12 48 58

Further links: Moving, renovation, important forms

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Umzug trotz Corona
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Umzüge Berlin

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